Do some influencers seem too good to be true? Do reviews feel a little too vague? We get that. You’re a real person looking for other real people on their Byte clear aligner journey. 

Follow these customer stories as they happen in real time to get some serious insight on the process.



24, New Jersey: loves iceskating, traveling and Netflix. 

Get to know Karl from New Jersey! Fun Fact - Karl was an extra on the Purge. (Woah scary!) He's been wanting to start a smile journey for a while, but life got in the way. We hear that all the time at Byte, but there's honestly no bad time to give your smile the focus it deserves. We are excited to follow along as Karl shares his honest experience with Byte aligners.



36, Pennsylvania: Proud Mom of 5, loves singing R&B and painting. 

Get to know Kelila from Pennsylvania! She’s been waiting to fix her smile since the age of 13 but plans never really fell through. As a mom, it’s been a struggle for Kelila to prioritize self-care. Now Kelila is putting self-care first on her list (as she should!). We are excited to see Kelila’s smile transformation. Follow along as Kelila takes you through her process with Byte.


Are you ready to start making progress, too? Take the first step with our 30-second quiz! We’ll let you know if you’re a good candidate and what aligner system is right for your lifestyle. 

Curious about the folks features on Byte Journals? Each person found Byte and inquired about working with us. We got to know them, heard their unique stories, aspirations, and reasons why clear aligner treatment was at the top of their priority list. Our team then selected a few people who stood out in terms of great communication skills, and most importantly- authenticity. In exchange for filling out journal entries, snapping photos and genuinely sharing how their journey is progressing, we are paying them a flat fee for their participation, and their Byte treatment was provided at no cost. That being said, they are not being paid to sell Byte or any Byte affiliated products. This program was designed to prioritize real, honest content- the good, great, and also those bumps along the way.